Help us grow the Best Leggings community.
If you’re passionate about fitness clothing and leggings specifically, we need your help!
We are on a mission to build the biggest leggings community and information site in the world, and it’s hard doing it all alone.
If you own a few leggings or maybe a shit load of them, and love to write, this is a great opportunity for you to share your experience and help other shoppers decide on the best leggings out there from your own experience! The best part? If we like what you write, we will cover the price of the leggings you reviewed!
It’s super easy to do. All you need to do in order for us to publish your leggings review is follow these simple steps:
- Write a review on one of your own leggings in a simple doc file according to the PDF template.
- Throw in a few images of your leggings at the appropriate places.
- Try and provide as much helpful info as possible so other readers can easily decide what are the benefits and downsides. You can see a good example of what we are looking for here
- Reach out to us below and let us know which leggings you want to review to begin
A few guidelines:
*Your post must be original and not published anywhere else on the internet. Use your own words.
*We only cover the cost if we use your review ( publish it on the site )
*If you own or plan to buy a leggings that is priced over $100, please contact us first to approve the price.
*Be an honest person, don’t send us a half ass review for a $10 leggings and say it’s a Lululemon worth $200, if we feel you’re not honest, we won’t publish it.
*If you want to purchase a specific leggings model and write the review after, that is acceptable, but please contact us first to discuess the details and price.
*If you do a good job, this might be a long term thing.
You can send your own photos of yourself or someone else wearing the leggings you review. You don’t have to show your face, but we do need clear pictures of the leggings from a few angles. If you really don’t want to send your own photos, we can find relevant product photos on our own.
Don’t worry about your writing style or quality, we are looking for real people that will write about their actual experience so don’t over think it, just write what you think truly.